OnWired.net Website
Our Web Solutions
Don’t play hide and seek with your customers! Get found!
Today’s business world demands that you not only have a professional website designed, but also that people can find it quickly with search engines such as Google, Yahoo, MSN and others. If your business is not found in the top ten results in a search, your business is essentially non-existent—as are your profits.
These are the first two challenges your business faces right off the bat when thinking about a website: First, you have to have a professionally designed website, and second, you need your potential customers to see your business on the first page when they search for your services, the higher the ranking the better.
The third challenge is conversion. If you have a professionally designed website that turns up as the top link in a search engine, it’s highly likely that potential customers will visit your site. But what if they don’t buy anything? What if you haven’t thought through converting those clicks to customers?
That’s why you need an online business partner to help you increase your bottom line with customer conversion. That’s why you need OnWired. We’re not just a “web design” company—we’re your strategic online business partner.
Your website is key to your success. We’ll help you unlock the door to an increased bottom line.
As your online business partner, we will not only provide you an attractive, Web 2.0 standards-compliant web design, but we’ll focus on the long term goals of your business’s profitability through Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) techniques, and customer conversion strategies.
Give us a call, or send us a note and let’s build your best business.
Web 2.0 Standards
So what is “Web 2.0” and “standards compliant”, and why should I care?
Well, we’re glad you asked! At OnWired, we’re not only committed to providing you with a comprehensive web design, Search Engine Optimization (SEO)/Search Engine Marketing (SEM) solution and customer conversion strategy, but we are passionate about helping our customers develop a long term plan for profitability with the greatest reach.
We’re here to future-proof your website, and to make it available to the largest potential customer base possible. We do that through a process known as making your website “standards compliant” with what’s known as “Web 2.0.”
In a nutshell, this means we will design a website solution for your business that will not only load faster, look better, and provide stronger information for your clients today, but also years from now. Your website will work with all current browsers, mobile devices, and future Internet appliances because we’ll design it with “Web 2.0” in mind.
“Standards compliant, Web 2.0” websites may be a geeky mouthful, but it will pay off for your business with bottom line results both immediately, and in the long run. That’s what we’re here to do—to help you build your bottom line with a comprehensive plan, not to simply put a pretty page online.
That’s the OnWired difference. That’s the OnWired way.
Let’s get going on your plan and build a better web together!
SEO – Search Engine Optimization
The search is out there. If they find it, they will come.
Study after study has shown that when people look for something online in a search engine like Google, they click the first link 82% of the time. From there, their eyes scan the top ten results from top to bottom, and click links generally in descending order. They rarely will check out the links on the following two pages (ranks 20 – 30), and will almost never click links on a fourth or lower ranking page of results.
This is both a bit scary, and encouraging. It’s scary for your bottom line if the beautifully designed website you paid a crack design team to create for your business is essentially invisible to search engines! If your website isn’t found on the first few pages of a search query, you may as well not have a website. It’s encouraging, however, that you can change all that, and we’re here to help you get there.
At OnWired, we take this stuff seriously. We’re in it for the long haul, and as a result, we will not only design a great looking website for you, but we’ll optimize it for search engines so your customers will find you. Perhaps you found us by searching for “web design Raleigh.” If not, give it a try! Go ahead and search for web design Raleigh, (link to Google Search) and take a peek. It’s ok. We’ll wait!
As you can see, we’re at or near the top, and we can help your business get better search engine results as well, whether you sell hammocks or hand-surgeries!
Let your local Raleigh web design and online strategy partner get your Search Engine results revving!  
SEM – Search Engine Marketing
Pay Per Click – when you need it quick!
Getting your business to show up at the top of a search query is a bit of a black art, and although we are ethical search engine optimization mystics and can come up with a plan that WILL increase your results over time, there are times when you just can’t wait, and want to get a high ranking RIGHT NOW!
One way to do that is to pay for marketing your business on a search engine. This can be an expensive proposition, depending on your industry, but Search Engine Marketing is not only an effective way to attract more clicks, but it is a potential strategy to get traffic to your website while your larger and longer term Search Engine Optimization plan comes together.
Don’t you love it when a plan comes together?
Search Engine Marketing combined with Search Engine Optimization, customer conversion strategies and Web 2.0 standards will increase traffic to your site, and more importantly, your bottom line. While “pay per click” can be expensive, it can be a valuable and profitable strategy while your larger SEO plan takes effect.
One great thing about Search Engine Marketing is that it can provide you with metrics and measurements so that you can see your campaign’s ROI, and customize it accordingly. We will work with the big organizations such as Google as your partner, to find out what keywords work for your industry, and what works for your competitors. We can also test which combinations of words work best for driving traffic to your site, and ultimately converting traffic into customers.
As your strategic online partner, we’ll follow your campaign, track its successes, and help you stay competitive on the Internet.
At OnWired, your business is our business, and we’ll work with you to launch a comprehensive campaign for your web design, search engine ranking, and customer conversion.
Customer Conversion
You can lead a person to a website, but you can’t make him buy!
All the web traffic in the world isn’t going to help your bottom line if nobody becomes a customer! In fact, it’s more important to turn traffic into customers than to simply get traffic to your site. We’ll help you come up with strategies to do both!
It’s been said countless times that it’s essential to “know your audience.” We’ll help you design a website that is centered around your real world customers’ needs, and target copy to quickly answer their questions and satisfy their needs. We’ll make sure the navigation on your site is not only usable, but that leads the potential customer to an action, be it a sale, an inquiry or something entirely different.
We will work with you so that your website will position you as a trusted expert in your field, or knowledgeable vendor of your products. We’ll focus on the psychology of your potential buyers, and propose appropriate solutions for your site accordingly.
Some of these solutions may include opt-in email marketing campaigns, testimonials, user forums to develop communities, blogs, customer satisfaction queries, and “Ask the Expert” FAQ sections. Your industry, expertise and business is unique, and your OnWired web design solution will be just as original and it will be designed around you accordingly.
We are in business to grow your business. Call us today and let’s get that comprehensive campaign for your web design, search engine optimization, and customer conversion going!
Client: OnWired.net
Copy: Kevin Darbro
Spring, 2007